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Sunday, June 9, 2013

Results/Analysis: Did our original leafs match the sequence we received?

Sample 1 was a match and was also closely related to Celery apiaceae which isn't the vegetable celery, but a common weed.

This result is not too surprising because we collected the sample from a bush on the Grant High School campus. Not that we are botany experts by any means but we believe that the soil near grant high school is probably not maintained, thus giving an opportunity for weeds to invade.

gb|FJ395559|hedera_helix: Hedera helix
1ML_JJ_RP_RS-F: Sample 1

Sample 1 Tree

Sample 2 was a match and ironically was related to another type of Ivy: Poision Ivy-Anacardiaceae which didn't relate to our sample of Ivy very well.

It was almost obvious that this sample was going to be an ivy variant. It showed similar characteristics to all common ivy plants and was found clinging onto the fence at the Grant High School Baseball field. Seeing that the menacing poison ivy is a close relative shows us how close the ivy family is as a whole.

gb|DQ978421|acer_palmatum: Acer palmatum
2ML_JJ_RP_RS-F: Sample 2

Sample 2 Tree

Sample 3 also matched and was what we hypothesized: closely related to wheat.

Our basis for hypothesizing that our sample was somewhat related to wheat was due to the buds attached to the stem of the plant. Knowing that the flowering part of wheat was similar bud arrangement we knew that they would be related.

gb|HQ600445|bromus_inermis: Bromus inermis
3ML_JJ_RP_RS-F: Sample 3

Sample 3 Tree

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