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Sunday, June 9, 2013

Matches: according to

Sample 1 which we hypothesized to be a species of ivy, was in fact Hedera helix (Common Ivy or English Ivy) The leaf in the image bellow perfectly matches what our original leaf had looked like.

Sample 1 Result
 Sample 2 was hypothesized to be a leaf from a native deciduous plant, but we we're quite sure of anything more specific. BLASTN told us that our sample 2 was a leaf from a Japanese Maple, but the images that were provided looked nothing like the leaf we had at the beginning of our experiment. The second match that the site gave us was Acer spicatum which once we researched that species, found that it closer resembled our original leaf.
Sample 2 (Incorrect Match)
Sample 2 (Correct Match)

 Sample 3 was thought to be a type of weed and possibly resemble wheat. The images provided from the site didn't appear to be a perfect match, but after some more research we are confident that the Bromus inermis was the species of leaf we had used for the experiment.

Sample 3 Result


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